the safest approach

Safety is our most important job – and the one we’re most proud of doing well. Kinco has an award-winning, three-pronged approach designed to protect our people, your people, industry partners and the general public. See how.
Written policies & training
All Kinco employees are trained in — and must follow — standard safety rules, instructions, and procedures. We enforce safety guidelines that go beyond OSHA standards and maintain a written policy to guide all our safety-related operations.

project-specific plans
The job superintendent prepares a safety plan specific to every project and is the on-site manager responsible for assuring compliance by everyone working on your project.

Safety Director
Kinco has a full-time safety director who assures that the company's safety policies are being followed while constantly keeping the company on the cutting edge of safety technology and training. By adhering firmly to this philosophy, Kinco routinely has achieved an Experience Modification Rate (EMR) well below the industry average.
EMR is an insurance industry measurement that compares a company’s past cost of injuries and future chances of risk against the construction industry as a whole. Our approach also results in less disruption of the schedule, better productivity, more consistent processes, and higher quality, all of which translate into a superior end result for your project at a more competitive cost.